  • Installing Shibbolized Tiqr



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コメント: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


コード ブロック
resources.tiqr.identifier = "tiqr.nii.ac.jp"
↑replace as your server FQDN
resources.tiqr.name = "vm2"
↑server name of Tiqr (it will be appeared in the application)
resources.tiqr.logoUrl  = "https://tiqr.nii.ac.jp/icons/gakunin-logo.png"
↑logo file appeared in the application. 5KB is better. Over 100KB file takes long time to load it.
constants.TIQRSHIB_DOMAIN = "nii.ac.jp"
↑eppn security domain of the IdP

↓Following LDAP configuration is same with attribute-resolver.xml
constants.TIQRSHIB_LDAP_HOST = "localhost"
constants.TIQRSHIB_LDAP_PORT = "389"
constants.TIQRSHIB_LDAP_BASEDN = "o=test_o,dc=ac,c=JP"
constants.TIQRSHIB_LDAP_USERNAME = "cn=Manager,o=test_o,dc=ac,c=JP"
constants.TIQRSHIB_LDAP_PASSWORD = "password"

(*) "uid" uid” filter is utilized for LDAP search


In /var/tiqrzenddemo/library/libTiqrShib/tiqrShibLdap.php
In the line of $result = $ldap->search('(uid='.$userId.')');
there are two parts to be modified. 


In order to connect tiqr and shibboleth accounts, this shibbolized tiqr utilizes "title" and "street" attributes in the LDAP, each of which corresponds to  "isActive" and "secret" values of Tiqr, respectively. Please modify these attributes appropriately depending on your environment. You can realize it by customizing /var/tiqrzenddemo/library/tiqrShibLdap.php