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The purpose of this document is to install and validate the local (global) mAP environment.


Following environment is required for installing local mAP.

Table 2‑1 Required Software

Software Name



CentOS (64bit)





Operating System






3 (*



Service Provider








Identity Provider

Apache HTTP Server



4 (*1)

WEB Server


JDK 7 Update 45 or openjdk 1.6.0

OpenJDK 11.0.19 (*1)

IdP Executable Environment

Apache Tomcat




0.24 (*1)


Servlet Container



1.71 (*1)


Relational Database




10 (*1)

Mail Transfer Agent






16 (*1)

Programing Language

*1 Latest version of yum package as of  20142023/205/28

Flow of Request

Image Removed


These software will be used in the following structure:

Image Added

Installing Shibboleth SP

Please install shibboleth Shibboleth SP while referring to the install guide.

Shibboleth SP Install Guide

In addition to shibboleth Shibboleth SP, apacheApache, mod_ssl and NTP will should be install installed simultaneously. Please setup these environment as well.

Installing Shibboleth IdP

Please install shibboleth Shibboleth IdP while referring to the install guide.

Shibboleth SP IdP Install Guide

In addition to shibboleth Shibboleth IdP, Java and Tomcat will Jetty should be install installed as well. Please setup these environment as well.

Installing and Setting Up MySQL

Install MySQL MariaDB by using following command.

コード ブロック
$ sudo yum install mysql-server

* If the MySQL has already been installed as the initial component, you can skip this process.


Setup /etc/my.cnf
localinstall http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el7-7.noarch.rpm
$ sudo rpm --import https://repo.mysql.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-mysql-2022 
$ sudo yum install mysql-community-server

* If the MySQL has already been installed as the initial component, you can skip this process.

Setup /etc/my.cnf
コード ブロック
コード ブロック
default-character-set -server= utf8
default-character-set = utf8


コード ブロック
$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysqldsystemctl start mysqld.service 
$ sudo systemctl chkconfigenable mysqld on



Create Database
コード ブロック
$ mysql -u root

Installing and Setting Up PHP

Please install PHP by using following command.

コード ブロック
$ sudo yum install php
$ sudo yum install php-devel php-gd php-mbstring php-pdo
$ sudo yum install php-mysql php-xml
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd.service

Setting Up Timezone

Add timezone in /etc/


php.ini . Parameter “Asia/Tokyo” should be changed depending on your local time.

コード ブロック
$date.timezone = "Asia/Tokyo"

Installing and Setting Up Mail Server

Please install and setup mail server by using Postfix or Sendmail. Following instruction is for Postfix.

コード ブロック
sudo yum install php
$ sudo yum install php-devel php-gd php-mbstring php-pdo postfix
Setup Postfix

Please modify parameters depending on your local environment.

コード ブロック
コード ブロック
$ sudo systemctl start postfix.service
$ sudo yumsystemctl install php-mysql php-xml
$ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart


Setting Up Timezone

Add timezone in /etc/php.ini . Parameter “Asia/Tokyo” should be changed depending on your local time.

コード ブロック
date.timezone = "Asia/Tokyo"

Installing and Setting Up Mail Server

Please install and setup mail server by using Postfix or Sendmail. Following instruction is for Postfix.

コード ブロック
$ sudo yum install postfix
Setup Postfix

Please modify parameters depending on your local environment.

コード ブロック
コード ブロック
$ sudo /etc/init.d/postfix start
$ sudo chkconfig postfix on

Installing Attribute Provider (SP)

Shibboleth SP which has been installed in section 4 will be configured for Attribute Provider.

Download required file from following URL.


Please obtain an account from GakuNin Office if authentication is requested.



Modify Setting
  • attribute-policy.xml
    Modify “Host Name of the SP” to this server host name.
  • shibboleth2.xml
    Modify “Host Name of the IdP” to your university IdP which authenticate users.
    Certificate and Key files in the “CredentialResolver” also have to be changed depending on theにserver certificate.
    Initial Setting of the CredentialResolver

    コード ブロック
    <CredentialResolver type="File" key="cert/server.key" certificate="cert/server.crt"/>

    * Owner of these files have to be changed as shibd.


  • embedded-wayf_config.js
    Modify “Host Name of the Server” to the name of this server.
    Values in wayf_additional_idps also have to be changed.
Copy Files
コード ブロック
Back Up First
$ sudo cp /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml.bk
$ sudo cp /etc/shibboleth/attribute-policy.xml /etc/shibboleth/attribute-policy.xml.bk
$ sudo cp /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml.bk

Then Copy
$ sudo cp attribute-map.xml /etc/shibboleth/.
$ sudo cp attribute-policy.xml /etc/shibboleth/.
$ sudo cp shibboleth2.xml /etc/shibboleth/.
$ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/secure
$ sudo cp attr.php /var/www/html/secure/.
$ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/js
$ sudo cp embedded-wayf_config.js /var/www/html/js/.
Metadata Deployment
  • Store the metadata of the SP of this server in the following location.
  • Store the metadata of this IdP of this server in the following location.
    * shibd have to be restarted after the “10. Installing Attribute Provider (IdP)”since the metadata※of the IdP is not yet generated at this moment.
  • Store the metadata of the IdP which utilizes university authentication.
  • Federation Metadata
    If required, federation metadata have to be included by the shibboleth2.xml configuration.
コード ブロック
$ sudo /etc/init.d/shibd restart$ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Installing Attribute Provider (IdP)

Shibboleth IdP which has been installed in section 5 will be configured for Attribute Provider.

Download required file from following URL.


enable postfix.service

Installing Attribute Provider (SP)

Shibboleth SP which has been installed in section 4 will be configured for Attribute Provider.

Download required files from following URL.

Please contact GakuNin Office if authentication is requested.


Modify Setting
  • attribute-map.xml
    Add the following line or make sure isMemberOf attribute is recognized.

    コード ブロック
        <Attribute name="urn:oid:" id="isMemberOf"/> 
  • attribute-policy.xml
    Add the following rule before attributeID="*" line.

    コード ブロック
            <!-- isMemberOf -->
            <afp:AttributeRule attributeID="isMemberOf">
                <afp:PermitValueRule xsi:type="AttributeIssuerString"
                        value="https://[Host Name of the SP]/idp/shibboleth"/>

    Modify “[Host Name of the SP]” to this server host name.

  • shibboleth2.xml
    Add MetadataProvider.

    コード ブロック
            <!-- Example of locally maintained metadata. -->
            <!-- Metadata of this IdP -->
            <MetadataProvider type="XML" file="/opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/idp-metadata.xml"/>

    And add SimpleAggregation AttributeResolver after <AttributeResolver type="Query" subjectMatch="true"/>line.

    コード ブロック
            <!-- Uses eduPersonPrincipalName from IdP to query, and asks for isMemberOf. -->
            <AttributeResolver type="SimpleAggregation" attributeId="eppn" format="urn:oid:">
              <Entity>https://[Host Name of the IdP]/idp/shibboleth</Entity>

    Modify “[Host Name of the IdP]” to this server host name.

  • embedded-wayf_config.js
    Modify “Host Name of the SP” to the name of this server.
    Values in wayf_additional_idps also have to be changed.
    Instead, you can use your own embedded DS in app/views/pages/home.ctp.
Copy Files
コード ブロック
$ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/secure
$ unzip index.zip
$ sudo cp index.php /var/www/html/secure/attr.php
$ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/js
$ sudo cp embedded-wayf_config.js /var/www/html/js/.
Metadata Deployment
  • Store the metadata of the SP of this server in the following location.
  • Store the metadata of this IdP of this server in the following location.
    * shibd have to be restarted after the “10. Installing Attribute Provider (IdP)”since the metadata of the IdP is not yet generated at this moment.
  • Federation Metadata
    If required, federation metadata have to be included by the shibboleth2.xml configuration.
コード ブロック
$ sudo systemctl restart shibd.service
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd.service

Installing Attribute Provider (IdP)

Shibboleth IdP which has been installed in section 5 will be configured for Attribute Provider.

Download required file from following URL.

Please contact GakuNin Office if authentication is required.

Please download mariadb-java-client-1.3.x.jar from MariaDB site:


Please download trustany-ssl-1.0.x.jar from wiki.shibboleth.net:


Modify Configuration
  • attribute-resolver.xml
    Modify“SALT”to appropriate random values.
    Setup database password to be the same one with “6. Installing and Setting Up MySQL”MariaDB.
    Modify “Host name of the IdP”to IdP” to this server host name.
  • relying-party.xml

    Modify “Host name of the IdP” to this server host name.
    Define SP metadata which utilize local

    Add MetadataProvider for SP which utilize this mAP system.

    Define the metadata of Global mAP(https://map.gakunin.nii.ac.jp/idp/shibboleth)
    * In general, the metadata of the Global mAP is automatically integrated if the IdP ingest the federation metadata.



Overwrite the configuration files.
  • コード ブロック
            <metadata:MetadataProvider id="SP" xsi:type="metadata:ResourceBackedMetadataProvider">
              <metadata:MetadataResource xsi:type="resource:FilesystemResource" file="/etc/shibboleth/metadata/sp-metadata.xml" />

Overwrite the configuration files.
コード ブロック
Back Up First
$ cd /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf
コード ブロック
Back Up First
$ cd /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf
$ sudo cp attribute-filter.xml attribute-filter.xml.bk
$ sudo cp attribute-resolverfilter.xml attribute-resolverfilter.xml.bk
$ sudo cp handlerattribute-resolver.xml handlerattribute-resolver.xml.bk
$ sudo cp internal.xml internal.xml.bk
$ sudo cp relying-party.xml relying-party.xml.bk
Then Copy
$ cd
Then Copy
$ cd
$ sudo cp attribute-filter.xml /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/.
$ sudo cp attribute-resolver.xml /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/.
$ sudo cp handler.xml /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/.
$ sudo cp internal.xml /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/.
$ sudo cp relying-party.xml /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/.
Metadata Deployment
Metadata Deployment
  • The metadata of this SP has already been stored in  the following location.
  • Store the metadata
  • The metadata of this SP has already been stored in  the following location.
  • Store the metadata of this IdP in the following location.
    /opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/idp-metadata.xmlInclude the metadata of this IdP in the shibboleth2.xml of the SP which utilizes for local mAP.
Deployment of the


MariaDB driver
コード ブロック
$ sudo cp mysqlmariadb-connector-java-5client-1.13.10x.jar \
[TOMCAT install directory] /webapps/idp/WEB-INF/lib/.
$ sudo cp mysqlmariadb-connectorjava-javaclient-51.13.10x.jar /opt/shibboleth-idp/lib/.
Configuration for StoredID

Create table for StoredID in the MySQL MariaDB database.


“4. Create table in the database (In case of MySQLMariaDB)”

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u root vo
mysql> put SQL commands here.
Deployment of the trustany-ssl
コード ブロック
$ sudo cp trustany-ssl-1.0.x.jar [TOMCAT install directory]/lib/.
Back Channel

Configure for back channel by referring to the following instruction.

Create credential

コード ブロック
# cd /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials
# UMASKORIG="`umask`" ; umask 0077
# openssl pkcs12 -export -out pkcs12server.p12 -in idp.crt -inkey idp.key -name HOST-NAME-OF-THIS-SERVER
Enter Export Password: YOUR-OWN-PASSOWRD
Verifying - Enter Export Password: YOUR-OWN-PASSWORD
# keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore pkcs12.p12 -destkeystore keystore.jks \
-srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype jks -srcalias HOST-NAME-OF-THIS-SERVER \
Enter source keystore password: YOUR-OWN-PASSOWRD
keystore.jks will be generated.umask "$UMASKORIG"

* This instruction assume assumes IdP certificate and key as idp.crt and idp.key respectively.

Back Channel Port

Enable 8443 port in the server.xml of Tomcat configuration file.

Server.xml can be found in the following location if the Tomcat was installed by using yum

コード ブロック

Add following configuration.

コード ブロック
    <Connector port="8443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
               truststoreAlgorithm="DelegateToApplication"/>net.shibboleth.utilities.ssl.TrustAnyCertificate" />
コード ブロック
$ sudo systemctl restart tomcat.service

Restart SP as well in order to include the metadata of newly configured IdP.
$ sudo systemctl restart shibd.service
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd.service

Installing the Application

Download files from the following URL.

コード ブロック
$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 stopunzip cloudgateway-1.0.zip
$ sudo mv map /usr/etclocal/init.d/tomcat6 start
Restart SP as well in order to include the metadata of newly configured IdP.
$ sudo /etc/init.d/shibd restart
$ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Installing the Application

・      Download files from the following URL.


Please obtain an account from GakuNin Office if authentication is requested.



・      Deployment

$ unzip map.zip

$ sudo mv map /usr/local/.


・      Initial Setting

# Announce Information

$ cd /usr/local/map

$ mkdir -p app/webroot/tmp/

$ touch app/webroot/tmp/announce.txt

$ sudo chown -R apache.apache app/webroot/tmp


# Privillege

Initial Setting
コード ブロック
# Announce Information
$ cd /usr/local/map
$ mkdir -p app/webroot/tmp/
$ touch app/webroot/tmp/announce.txt
$ sudo chown -R apache.apache app/webroot/tmp

# Adjust permissions
$ sudo chown -R apache.apache /usr/local/map/app/tmp
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/map/cake/console/cake
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/map/app/vendors/shells/*.php
$ sudo chmod -R 777 




$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/map/cake/console/cake

$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/map/app/vendors/shells/*.php

$ sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/map/app/tmp/cache


# Group Icons

$ sudo mkdir -p app/tmp/uploads/group/original

$ sudo mkdir -p app/tmp/uploads/group/thumbnails

$ sudo mkdir -p app/tmp/uploads/group/temp

$ sudo chown -R apache.apache app/tmp/uploads/group


# Deletion of Log Files and Cache Files

$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/cache/models/*

$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/cache/persistent/*

$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/cache/views/*

$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/logs/*


# Copy of Configuration Files

$ cp app/config/database.template.php app/config/database.php

$ cp app/config/core.template.php app/config/core.php


# Deletion of Files for Development (if exist)

$ rm app/config/local.php


# Deletion of Log Files and Cache Files
$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/cache/models/*
$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/cache/persistent/*
$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/cache/views/*
$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/logs/*

# Copy of Configuration Files
$ cp app/config/database.template.php app/config/database.php
$ cp app/config/core.template.php app/config/core.php
# Put random data on 'Security.salt' and 'Security.cipherSeed' in core.php.
$ vi app/config/core.php

# Deletion of Files for Development (if exist)
$ rm app/config/local.php
Configuration of httpd.conf

Include following configuration in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

コード ブロック
<VirtualHost _default_:80>
  Redirect permanent / https://[HOST-NAME-OF-THIS-SERVER]/

Alias /map "/usr/local/map"
<Directory "/usr/local/map">
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride All

<Location "/map">
  AuthType shibboleth
  ShibRequestSetting requireSession 0
  require shibboleth
コード ブロック
$ sudo systemctl restart httpd.service
Database Configuration
コード ブロック
$ mysql -u root vo < /usr/local/map/ddl/ddl.sql
$ mysql -u root vo < /usr/local/map/ddl/alter.sql
$ mysql -u root vo < /usr/local/map/ddl/index.sql
$ mysql -u root vo < /usr/local/map/ddl/init_system_admin.sql
$ mysql -u root vo
Open /usr/local/map/ddl/stored_procedure.sql and copy & paste the contents.
Application Configuration File
  • /usr/local/map/app/config/database.php
    In the 'password' => '',  set the password defined at “6. Installing and Setting Up MariaDB”
  • /usr/local/map/app/config/mail.php
    In the 'host' => '', set the SMTP server.
    In the $from, $this->from, set the FROM address of the email which will be send from this server.
    In the $footer_jp_map, $footer_jp_test, $footer_eng_map and $footer_eng_test, modify to the appropriate sentences as you want.
  • /usr/local/map/app/config/system.php
    In the "host" and the host of "loginlink" in $config["production"], $config["test"], set the host name of this server.
  • Registration of System Administrator
    Create a new account by accessing to the following URL.
    After selecting the IdP and then login, create a new account.

    Register the Administrator of the Database.

    コード ブロック
    $ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD
    mysql> select id,name,mail from accounts;
    Find your ID by the above command, and then and execute the following SQL to your ID.
    mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID, 1, 1, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP());
    mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 1, 1, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP());
Registration of organizations

By the following commands, organization which if a part of the federaton member will be registered.

コード ブロック
$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console
$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app organization /var/cache/shibboleth/federation-metadata.xml
Registration of SP administrators

By the following commands, will be registered SP administrators.

コード ブロック
$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console
$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app sp_administrator /path/to/somewhere/sp_administrator.tsv

/path/to/somewhere/sp_administrator.tsv must be created in the format below.

コード ブロック
#eppn	eptid	entityID
XXX@nii.ac.jp		https://test-sp.gakunin.nii.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp
Registration of SP

By the following commands, SP information which if a part of the federaton member will be registered.

コード ブロック
$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console
$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app sp_host /var/cache/shibboleth/federation-metadata.xml
Registration of IdP groups

By the following commands, IdP groups





・      Configuration of httpd.conf

Include following configuration in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

<VirtualHost _default_:80>

  Redirect permanent / https://[HOST-NAME-OF-THIS-SERVER]/



Alias /map "/usr/local/map"

<Directory "/usr/local/map">

  Order allow,deny

  Allow from all

  Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

  AllowOverride All



<Location "/map">

  AuthType shibboleth

  ShibRequireSession Off

  require shibboleth



<Location /idp/Authn/RemoteUser>

  AuthType shibboleth

  ShibRequireSession On

  Require valid-user

  ShibRequestSetting requireSessionWith DSforRemoteUser



・      Restart

$ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd stop

$ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd start


・      Database Configuration

$ mysql -u root vo < /usr/local/map/ddl/ddl.sql

$ mysql -u root vo < /usr/local/map/ddl/alter.sql

$ mysql -u root vo < /usr/local/map/ddl/index.sql

$ mysql -u root vo < /usr/local/map/ddl/init_system_admin.sql

$ mysql -u root vo

Open /usr/local/map/ddl/stored_procedure.sql and copy & paste the contents.




・      Application Configuration File


  In the 'database' => '',  set the password defined at “6. Installing and Setting Up MySQL”



  In the 'host' => '', set the SMTP server.

  In the $from, $this->from, set the FROM address of the email which will be send from this server.

  In the $footer_jp_map, $footer_jp_test, $footer_eng_map and $footer_eng_test, modify to the appropriate sentences as you want.



In the "host" and the host of "loginlink" in $config["production"], $config["test"], set the host name of this server.


・      Registration of System Administrator

Create a new account by accessing to the following URL.


After selecting the IdP and then login, create a new account.


Register the Administrator of the Database.

$ mysql -u vouser vo –pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD


mysql> select id,name,mail from accounts;

Find your ID by the above command, and then and execute the following SQL to your ID.

mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID, 1, 1, NOW(), NOW());



mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 1, 1, NOW(), NOW());




・      Registration of SP

By the following commands, SP information which if a part of the federaton member will be registered in the sp_hosts table of the database.

コード ブロック
$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console


$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app


 idp_group_creator /var/cache/shibboleth/federation-metadata.xml


Registration of SP connectors

By the following commands, IdP groups which if a part of the federaton member will be registered.

コード ブロック
$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console
$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app sp_connector_creator /var/cache/shibboleth/federation-metadata.



Register SP Administrator in the Datbase.

$ mysql -u vouser vo –pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD


mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) values('YOUR-ePPN', 'HOST-NAME-OF-UTILIZED-SP', 'ENTITY-ID-OF-UTILIZED-SP', NOW());


Example1)Registration for researchmap and kyouindb

mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \

values('xxxx@kyoto-u.ac.jp', 'researchmap.jp', 'https://researchmap.jp/shibboleth-sp', NOW());


mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \

values('xxxx@kyoto-u.ac.jp', 'kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp', \

'https://kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp', NOW());



Exmaple2) Registration for test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp

mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \

values('xxxxxx@ebook-idp.nii.ac.jp', 'test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp', \

'https://test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp', NOW());


mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \

values(' xxxxxx@ebook-idp.nii.ac.jp', 'test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp', \

'https://test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp', NOW());




・      Create SP Connector

Create SP Connector of the utilized SP by executing the following SQL.

$ mysql -u vouser vo –pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\


created,modified) values('GROUP-KEY', 'SERVICE-NAME', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());


Example1)Researchmap and kyouindb

mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\

inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified) \

values('researchmap', 'Researchmap', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());


mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\

inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified \

) values('kyouindb', 'kyouindb', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());


Example2)test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp

mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\

inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified) \

values('test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp', 'test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp', '', \

0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());



xml test-map
Notify the administrator via mail

Notify the administrator when applying to join the group.

  • /usr/local/map/shell/map_inspect

    Modify URL for your servers.

    コード ブロック
      # example
      wget --spider --no-check-certificate https://localhost/map/batch_inspects/batch?mapurl=https%3a%2f%2fcg%2egakunin%2ejp%2fmap%2f > /dev/null 2>&1
  • Set crontab for /usr/cron.d/map_inspect

    コード ブロック
    # example) Nofity every 10 minutes
    01,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * root /usr/local/map/shell/map_inspect



Confirm the authentication page after accessing to the following URL.


After integrating the metadata of this IdP into the related SPs and enable SimpleAggregation AttributeResolver, you can check the connecting test.

Advanced Configuration


If you want to run on multiple servers to set the following.

Application Configuration File
  • /usr/local/map/app/config/database.php
    In the 'host' => '',  set the host of database server.

    コード ブロック
    @@ -76,9 +76,9 @@
            var $default = array(
                    'driver' => 'mysql',
                    'persistent' => false,
    -               'host' => 'localhost',
    +               'host' => 'YOUR-DATABASE-SERVER',
                    'login' => 'vouser',
                    'password' => 'xxxxx',
                    'database' => 'vo',
  • /usr/local/map/app/config/core.php

    Configure to use a database to store the session.

    コード ブロック
    @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
      * the cake shell command: cake schema create Sessions
    -       Configure::write('Session.save', 'map');
    +       Configure::write('Session.save', 'database');
      * The model name to be used for the session model.
    @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
      * The model name set here should *not* be used elsewhere in your application.
    -       //Configure::write('Session.model', 'Session');
    +       Configure::write('Session.model', 'Session');
      * The name of the table used to store CakePHP database sessions.
    @@ -147,14 +147,14 @@
      * [Note: Session.table is deprecated as of CakePHP 1.3]
    -       //Configure::write('Session.table', 'cake_sessions');
    +       Configure::write('Session.table', 'cake_sessions');
      * The DATABASE_CONFIG::$var to use for database session handling.
      * 'Session.save' must be set to 'database' in order to utilize this constant.
    -       //Configure::write('Session.database', 'default');
    +       Configure::write('Session.database', 'default');
  • /usr/local/map/cake/libs/cake_session.php
    Modify value of 'session.cookie_lifetime' to 0 if deleting cookie when closed browser.

    コード ブロック
    @@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ class CakeSession extends Object {
                                                    ini_set('session.serialize_handler', 'php');
                                                    ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
                                                    ini_set('session.name', Configure::read('Session.cookie'));
    -                                               ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', $this->cookieLifeTime);
    +                                               ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 0);
                                                    ini_set('session.cookie_path', $this->path);
                                                    ini_set('session.auto_start', 0);
Create sessions table
コード ブロック
$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console
$ ./cake schema create sessions
Shibboleth Configuration File

Add the SP manually

Register the SP which is not a member of the federation

If you would like to register the SP which is not a member of the federation, it’s easy to add the SP in the /var/cache/shibboleth/federation-metadata.xml and then execute the above command.

Register SP Administrator in the Database.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) 

Example1)Registration for researchmap and kyouindb
mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \
values('xxxx@kyoto-u.ac.jp', 'researchmap.jp', 'https://researchmap.jp/shibboleth-sp', UTC_TIMESTAMP());

mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \
values('xxxx@kyoto-u.ac.jp', 'kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp', \
'https://kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp', UTC_TIMESTAMP());

Exmaple2) Registration for test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp
mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \
values('xxxxxx@ebook-idp.nii.ac.jp', 'test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp', \
'https://test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp', UTC_TIMESTAMP());

mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \
values(' xxxxxx@ebook-idp.nii.ac.jp', 'test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp', \
'https://test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp', UTC_TIMESTAMP());
Create SP Connector

Create SP Connector of the utilized SP by executing the following SQL.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD
mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\










 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1,







Create SP Connector to Global mAP by executing the following SQL.

$ mysql -u vouser vo –pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD


Example1)Researchmap and kyouindb
mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\


inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified) \




researchmap', '


Researchmap', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1,







Exmaple) Test mAP


mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\


inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified \




kyouindb', '


kyouindb', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1,









Register the administrator of SP Connector to the database.

$ mysql -u vouser vo –pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

mysql> select id,name,mail from accounts;

mysql> select id,group_key,name from groups where sp=1;


Find your ID and Group table ID by the search com“mand above and then put it in the “YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID”and “GroupID” in the following SQL.

mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(自分のアカウントID, GroupID, 1, NOW(), NOW());


Example) In case of creating 3 SP Connectors

mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());

mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 3, 1, NOW(), NOW());

mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 4, 1, NOW(), NOW());





・      Connection between SP Connecor and SP.

Connect SP Connector and SP by executing the following SQL.

$ mysql -u vouser vo –pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD


Search utilizes SP Connector ID.

mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1;


Search utilizes SP ID

mysql> select id, name from sp_hosts;


Based on the search result, register connecting information between SP Connector and SP.

insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \



・SP Connector ID:ID of groups table

・SP ID:ID of sp_hosts table



Example1)Researchmap and kyouindb

mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \

values(2, 3, 'http://researchmap.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'Researchmap');


mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \

values(3, 15, 'http://kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'kyouindb');


Example2)test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp

mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \

values(2, 80, 'https://test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'Test-MeatMail');

mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \

values(3, 175, 'https://test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'Test-mAP-SP1');




Connect SP Connector and Global mAP(SP) by executing the following commands.

$ mysql -u vouser vo –pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD


Search SP Connector ID of Global mAP

mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1 and group_key='gakunin-map';


Search SP ID of Global mAP

mysql> select id, name from sp_hosts where name='map.gakunin.nii.ac.jp';


Based on the search result, register the connecting information between SP Connector and SP.

Example2)test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp
mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\
inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified) \
values('test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp', 'test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp', '', \
0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP());

mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\
inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified) \
values('test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp', 'test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp', '', \
0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP());

Register the administrator of SP Connector to the database.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD
mysql> select id,name,mail from accounts;
mysql> select id,group_key,name from groups where sp=1;

Find your ID and Group table ID by the search com"mand above and then put it in the "YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID"and "GroupID" in the following SQL.
mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID, GroupID, 1, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP());

Example) In case of creating 3 SP Connectors
mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 2, 1, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP());
mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 3, 1, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP());
mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 4, 1, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP());
Connection between SP Connecor and SP.

Connect SP Connector and SP by executing the following SQL.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

Search utilizes SP Connector ID.
mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1;

Search utilizes SP ID
mysql> select id, name from sp_hosts;

Based on the search result, register connecting information between SP Connector and SP.
insert into 




url,created,modified,service_name) \









Example 1)GakuNin mAP


・SP Connector ID:ID of groups table
・SP ID:ID of sp_hosts table

Example1)Researchmap and kyouindb
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \




2, 3, 'http://researchmap.jp/', UTC_TIMESTAMP(),







Example2)Test mAP


mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \










・      Automatic Connection of SP Connector

This enables users to utilize SP (ex. Researchmap, kyouindb) by connecting SP connector automatically when the user create new group.

$ mysql -u vouser vo –pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD


Obtain ID by searching SP Connector

mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1;


Set the found ID in the following SQL and then execute.

mysql> insert into sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(FOUND-ID, NOW());



mysql> insert into sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(2, NOW());

mysql> insert into sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(3, NOW());


Enable to utilize it also via Global mAP

$ mysql -u vouser vo –pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD


Search ID of SP Connector of Global mAP.

mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1 and group_key='gakunin-map';


Set the found ID in the following SQL and then execute.

 15, 'http://kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/', UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP(), 'kyouindb');

Example2)test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \
values(2, 80, 'https://test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp/', UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP(), 'Test-MeatMail');
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \
values(3, 175, 'https://test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp/', UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP(), 'Test-mAP-SP1');

Automatic Connection of SP Connector

This enables users to utilize SP (ex. Researchmap, kyouindb) by connecting SP connector automatically when the user create new group.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

Obtain ID by searching SP Connector
mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1;

Set the found ID in the following SQL and then execute.
mysql> insert into 


sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(FOUND-ID,







mysql> insert into sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(2, UTC_TIMESTAMP());
mysql> insert into sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(







Attribute Consent Setting for SP Connector

Set the consent information which will be utilized by the SP Connector

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo





Obtain ID by searching SP Connector

mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1;


Set ID for SP Connector in the following SQL and then execute.


Obtain ID by searching SP Connector
mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1;

Set ID for SP Connector in the following SQL and then execute.
mysql> insert into provide_attributes(group_id,ismemberof,eptid,name,mail,idp,introduction,\


language,organization,created,modified) values(FOUND-ID, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,









select id, name from groups where sp = 1;




| id


 | name                    |






|  3 | yyyyyyy                 |

|  4 | zzzzzzz                 |


 | xxxxxxx                 |
|  3 | yyyyyyy                 |
|  4 | zzzzzzz                 |
mysql> insert into provide_attributes(group_id,ismemberof,eptid,name,mail,idp,introduction,\


language,organization,created,modified) values(2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,






mysql> insert into provide_attributes(group_id,ismemberof,eptid,name,mail,idp,introduction,\


language,organization,created,modified) values(3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,






mysql> insert into provide_attributes(group_id,ismemberof,eptid,name,mail,idp,introduction,\


language,organization,created,modified) values(4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,









Importing the Account Data from the Existing Database

If there exist the data in the existing database, it can be imported by means of TSV file.

Format of the TSV is as follows

Note that display name have to be within 50 characters.

コード ブロック





Import command is as follows.

コード ブロック
$ export TERM=vt100


$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console


$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app kyoto_u_ac_jp_import [TSV-FILE-NAME] [IdP-ENTITY-ID]



Example 1)Normal Execution


$ export TERM=vt100


$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console


$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app kyoto_u_ac_jp_import \


/var/local/map/tmp/kyoto-u.ac.jp.sample.tsv \





Example 2)Send Email after Execution


$ export TERM=vt100


$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console


$ ./cake -app /usr




https://authidp1.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/idp/shibboleth | mail -s "Import Result" EMAIL-ADDRESS


If you need to connect with Global mAP, it is required to incorporate this IdP metadata into the GlobalmAP.

Please send the following IdP metadata to the Global mAP administrator.





Confirm the authentication page after accessing to the following URL.




After integrating the metadata of this SP into the related SPs and/or Global mAP, you can check the connecting test.


/app kyoto_u_ac_jp_import \
/var/local/map/tmp/kyoto-u.ac.jp.sample.tsv \
https://authidp1.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/idp/shibboleth | mail -s "Import Result" EMAIL-ADDRESS