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The uApprove JP is an extension for the Shibboleth Identity Provider 3.x. It is intended to be made available part of the functions supported by the uApprove Jet Pack 2.5 on the Shibboleth Identity Provider. It allows users authenticating at an Identity Provider to release attribute selectively. See more information about the concept of the uApprove JP.


  • Add the attribute xmlns:uajpmf="http://www.gakunin.jp/ns/uapprove-jp/afp/mf" before the xmlns:xsi attribute on the root <AttributeFilterPolicyGroup> element.
  • Add the following at the end of the whitespace delimited list of values for the xsi:schemaLocation attribute: http://www.gakunin.jp/ns/uApproveuapprove-jp/afp/mf http://www.gakunin.jp/schema/idp/gakunin-afp-mf-uapprovejp.xsd.
