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  • Implementation - deployment of CHiLO Book-



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When the main part of learning is knowledge transfer or when you can limit the number, the level and the motivation of learners, such as using it as an lecture course in universities, it is recommended to deploy CHiLO deployment of  CHiLO Books utilizing conventional LMS such as Moodle is recommended.

1. Moodle configuration (Administrator)


Deployment of CHiLO Books using SNS

学習者が不特定多数の場合、あるいは、Face-to-faceのコミュニケーションを行えない場合は、FacebookなどのSNSを学習の場としてCHiLO Bookを提供するのが適しています。

When the course is open to the general public and face-to-face communication might be difficult, deployment of CHiLO Books on SNS such as facebook as a learning community is recommended.

This will enable active communication with learners and provide CHiLO Books according to the learners' motivation and competency.学習者とコミュニケーションしながら、学習者のモチベーションや能力に合わせて、CHiLO Bookを提供することができます。


事例:Example case: OUJ-MOOC Nihongo Starter A1 (閲覧にはFacebookアカウントが必要です)Facebook account is necessary to browse)