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titleConfirmation of certificate fingerprint

Please confirm that the fingerprint of the downloaded certificate matches the following:

SHA256 Fingerprint=5E:D6:A8:C5:E9:30:49:3F:B4:BA:77:54:6A:FB:66:BA:14:7D:CB:50:5B:EF:0F:D9:7C:26:04:C2:D9:36:FD:81

OpenSSL command is as follows:

> openssl x509 -in gakunin-signer-2017.cer -fingerprint -sha256 -noout

The federation metadata URL for publishing is stipulated in "System Administration Standards for the GakuNin".

Metadata Publishing URL : https://meatwiki.nii.ac.jp/confluence/x/F4W5

System Administration Standards for the GakuNin : http://id.nii.ac.jp/1149/00000219/

Edit /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml as follows:
