  • Certificate Issue Web Site Manual: Internet Explorer Edition



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2-2. Certificate Retrieval

2-2-1. Notification of URL for the Certificate Retrieval

Once you complete the certificate application, you will receive the e-mail from this system that notifies the certificate retrieval URL for the certificate download.
Access the certificate URL in the e-mail message and retrieve the certificate.

Notification of URL for the Certificate Retrieval

client certificate issue acceptance notice 
# Please find below the URL for the requested certificate retrieval. 
Please download a client certificate accessing the following certificate acquisition URL.
Please correctly enter access PIN acquired at 1) for request of entering access PIN accessing the certificate acquisition URL.
The download of a certificate is going to start as the authentication by the access PIN is completed.

certificate acquisition URL:https://scia.secomtrust.net/~*(https://scia.secomtrust.net/~) + <- Access this URL to retrieve the Certificate. 

2-2-2. Retrieving the Certificate Using Internet Explorer

Retrieving the Certificate using [Internet Explorer] is described.
