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【2021/07/28 16:00】GakuNin RDM NII storage will be restricted due to maintenance at AWS-SINET in the early morning on Aug 25, 2021[JST]

GakuNin RDM NII storage will be stopped due to maintenance at AWS-SINET

Service stop: early morning on Aug 25, 2021[JST]
Limited function is as follows:

- Access to NII storage (Communication interruption for about 1 to 2 hours)

Please note that this it will finish earlier or later depending on the work.
It doesn't influence users who use institutional storage or extended storage via the Internet.

【2021/08/03 9:00】About GakuNin RDM application and inquiry desk during Summer Holidays from Aug 13 to Aug 16, 2021
