The deployment of the created CHiLO Books may be done in two ways. One is an online course format utilizing conventional LMS such as Moodle as a learning space, and the other is a stream format utilizing SNS as a learning space. 

Moodle を使った CHiLO Book の導入

学習の中心が知識の伝達であったり、大学の講義のように学習者の数、レベルや動機の限定が可能な場合は、従来型のMoodle のようなLMS を使ったCHiLO Book の導入をお勧めします。

1. CHiLO Bookダウンロードページの作成

ダウンロードページのテンプレート: chilo_dl.html をダウンロードして以下の変数に値を設定します。

▶ chilo_dl.html

var course_ur
var chilo_epub
var web
var book_id
var book_series
var book_title
var book_vol

CHiLO Book の数だけ chilo_dl.htm を設定する必要があります。

chilo_dl.htm テンプレートをダウンロードする


/* var course_url = ""; URL of the course where the CHiLO Book is added on
* e.g. var course_url = "http://root you installed/course/view.php?id=2";
* var chilo_epub = ""; File name of EPUB CHiLO Book
* e.g. var chilo_epub = "cb00101.epub";
* var web = ""; folder name of Web CHiLO Book
* e.g. var web = "vol-1-html";
* var book_id = ""; identifier entered in Structure Information files
* e.g. var book_id = "urn:uuid:9fbcd16a-813e-4f4c-b626-332d6e5440f0";
* var book_series = ""; Name of the series
* e.g. var book_series = "Nihongo Starter A1";
* var book_title = ""; Title of Book
* e.g var book_title = "Konnichiwa";
* var book_vol = ""; Vol. number of CHiLO Book
* e.g. var book_vol = "1";

var course_url = "";
var chilo_epub = "";
var web = "";
var book_id = "";
var book_series = "";
var book_title = "";
var book_vol = "";


2. Web版 CHiLO Bookの圧縮

Web版CHiLO Bookを配信する時は, chilo-producer-master/OutputBase/name of your folder/html の各vol-x-html* フォルダをZIP形式で圧縮します。

* vol-x : x indicates the volume of the CHiLO Book.


3. Moodleコース作成

CHILO Bookを配信するために以下のように設定をおこない、Moodleコースを作成します。


4. Upload CHiLO Book using the file module

1) Turn editing on → add an activity or resource → File

2) Enter the title of the CHiLO Book you are registering to "Name".

3) Upload files


    ・EPUB CHiLO Book

    ・Zipped WEB CHiLO Book

4) Click and decompress the zipped WEB CHiLO Book

5) Click and configure chilo_dl.htm as main file

7) Set the "Display" of "Appearance" to "Open"



Deployment of CHiLO Books using SNS

When the course is open to the general public and face-to-face communication might be difficult, deployment of CHiLO Books on SNS such as facebook as a learning community is recommended.

This will enable active communication with learners and provide CHiLO Books according to the learners' motivation and competency.


Example case: OUJ-MOOC Nihongo Starter A1 (Facebook account is necessary to browse)