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First revision



Checking Existence of the Certificate

Note 1: The [Issued To], [Issued By] and [Expiration] in the screenshots are just examples and will be different from those for the actual certificate.
Note 2: All screenshots are for Windows 10 (Internet Explorer 11.0).

  1. With Internet Explorer, click the [Tools] button, and then click [Internet options (O)].

  2. In the [Internet Options] dialog box, select the [Content] tab and click [Certificates (C)].

  3. In the [Certificates] dialog box, select the [Personal] tab and make sure that the certificate appears in the list.
    Select the certificate and click [View (V)].

  4. In the resulting [Certificate] dialog box, select the [General] tab and make sure that it says "You have a private key that corresponds to this certificate."

  5. Select the [Certification Path] tab and make sure that all certificates from the Root CA through the client certificate are correctly chained and that the [Certificate status] gives "This certificate is OK."
     Note: The screenshot is an example and may show different path tree from the actual state.