Moodle Quiz
Write in the URL of the learning community of Linkdin in the structure-books.xlsx of book-list sheet.
- Add a line for test on page-type in vol-1 sheet of the structure-books.xlsx
- Copy the following URL of Moodle quiz
- Copy the following "video-id" of Apara to vol-1 sheet of the structure-books.xlsx
Video name | video-id |
86daba68826b1af82a3677605ae8cb0a3014445 | |
m015_0102.mp4 | 8cb1bfecbed0036e46e3dc608bacf6ca3014452 |
m015_0103.mp4 | 2d216de0399cdc751030654b8bf074fe3014478 |
m015_0104.mp4 | f2efe87b47a4289a2bc0918e7ae6308d3014484 |
m015_0105.mp4 | cc5a3e1f2e3a8d8bb13d0807016278b63014494 |
m015_0106.mp4 | f8cadfebfa3fbe9573ae4fae97a02ae53014500 |
m015_0107.mp4 | 2c37377ef67f8da05c137d385c93c66b3014507 |
m015_0108.mp4 | 82e97219e0bf9e1904fd73064af431783014510 |
m015_0109.mp4 | 2a73a7d0355c363585f3589b2cd2ae453014515 |
m015_0110.mp4 | 526545b3e2902295c82c95e201d5ead93014530 |
m015_0111.mp4 | 3f78b26a2dfda2b52921bed0e462c5dc3014535 |
m015_0112.mp4 | f36c9f7fd79956a0509dcc38b74047253014538 |
- Copy the following URL of Linkdin to book-list sheet of the structure-books.xlsx.
- In vol-1 sheet, select “true” for the community row.