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  • Development -How to Create CHiLO Book-



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1. Prepare Learning Resources

 Prepare learning resources to embed onto the CHiLO Book. The learning resources are as follows.


ResourceDetailsType of ResourceExample
A. Image of the author [optional] The image will be displayed on the "About the Author" page.
Resolution: 159x159、JPEG format(Recommended)
common in the author
B. Image of section cover [required] Image for display on the inside cover of the section throughout the series.
Resolution: 1024x600、JPEG format(Recommended)
common in the series 
C. Cover [required] Cover image of the Book
Resolution:768x1024、JPEG format(Recommended)
in each Book 
D. Lecture video [required] Video of the explanation page. The recommended length of the video is 1-2 minutes.
Compress as much as possible in order to embed in EPUB3 format CHiLO Book.
Frame rate: 29.97, bit rate: 384kbps, size: 480x360(4:3) or 560x316(16:9)
in each Book 
E. Lecture video thumbnail [required] Thumbnail of the explanation video
same size as the video, JPEG format (recommended)
in each Book 
F. Explanation text [required] Text displayed below the explanation video. Prepared in extension(.xhtml)text file.in each Book 
G. Figure [optional] Embed figures to explain text such as diagrams, charts, graphs and illustration. Recommended resolution: 1024in each Book 



2. Configure external systems

2.1 Upload videos

The CHiLO Lecture, which is a series of 1-minute nano-lecture video clips, is embedded in e-Book, in the case of EPUB3 CHiLO Book.
On the other hand, that is delivered by the video-sharing website such as YouTube, in the case of the Web version CHiLO.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=5&v=YrAdO44ezh8 → Yotubeの場合、"YrAdO44ezh8" がvideo-idとなります。

2.2 Add badges

CHiLO Book毎に発行されるバッジをsmall badge、シリーズ内の全て、あるいは特定のCHiLO Bookのバッジを獲得すると発行されるバッジをBig badge と呼びます。



2.3 Create Learning Community

Functions of CHiLO Community は、SNS such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkdInへのリンクをCHiLO Bookに埋め込むことで実装します。

CHiLO Bookに、SNSへのリンクを埋め込むには、利用したいSNSのグループを作成し、そのURLを後に説明するCHiLO Producerに記載します。


3. Output CHiLO Book

1. Copy ) Copy template folder and save the learning resources 

1i) Copy "chiloPro/template-series_english" to  "chiloPro/" with name of your folder.

2ii) Copy "vol-n" folder in the folder you had copied in 1) above, according to the number of Books.

3iii) Change a name of "vol-n" folders you had copied in 2) above to vol-1,vol-2,vol-3・・・.

4iv) Save the learning resources prepared according to the destination to save learning resources table.


* vol-x : x indicates volume of CHiLO Books.

2. ) Edit Spreadsheets

Entry information about structure information of CHiLO Books and author on the following Spreadsheets.  


Match the sheet name with the one entered in "creator" of the [series-infomation] sheet of structure-books.xlsx.

4.Output CHiLO 3) Output CHiLO Book

CHiLO Producer can output two types of CHiLO Books: EPUB3 format EPUB3 CHiLO Book and HTML format Web CHiLO Book.


OutputBase/name of your folder/html にアウトプットされます。


5.Check 4) Check the output CHiLO Book

▶ EPUB3 CHiLO Book


In these cases, check by uploading Web CHiLO Book files to the remote server or run the web server in local environment.


4. Deploy

5. Support learners

6. Assess outcome