ページ ツリー



  • この行は追加されました。
  • この行は削除されました。
  • 書式設定が変更されました。


Download files from the following URL.


Please contact GakuNin Office if authentication is required.


コード ブロック
$ unzip map.zip
$ sudo mv map /usr/local/.


コード ブロック
# Announce Information
$ cd /usr/local/map
$ mkdir -p app/webroot/tmp/
$ touch app/webroot/tmp/announce.txt
$ sudo chown -R apache.apache app/webroot/tmp

# Adjust Privillegepermissions
$ sudo chown -R apache.apache /usr/local/map/app/tmp
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/map/cake/console/cake
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/map/app/vendors/shells/*.php
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/map/app/tmp/cache

# Group Icons
$ sudo mkdir -p app/tmp/uploads/group/original
$ sudo mkdir -p app/tmp/uploads/group/thumbnails
$ sudo mkdir -p app/tmp/uploads/group/temp
$ sudo chown -R apache.apache app/tmp/uploads/group

# Deletion of Log Files and Cache Files
$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/cache/models/*
$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/cache/persistent/*
$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/cache/views/*
$ sudo rm -rf app/tmp/logs/*

# Copy of Configuration Files
$ cp app/config/database.template.php app/config/database.php
$ cp app/config/core.template.php app/config/core.php

# Put random Deletiondata of Files for Development (if exist)
$ rmon 'Security.salt' and 'Security.cipherSeed' in core.php.
$ vi app/config/local.phpcore.php

# Deletion of Files for Development (if exist)
$ rm app/config/local.php
Configuration of httpd.conf


コード ブロック
<VirtualHost _default_:80>
  Redirect permanent / https://[HOST-NAME-OF-THIS-SERVER]/

Alias /map "/usr/local/map"
<Directory "/usr/local/map">
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride All

<Location "/map">
  AuthType shibboleth
  ShibRequireSessionShibRequestSetting requireSession Off0
  require shibboleth

<Location /idp/Authn/RemoteUser>
  AuthType shibboleth
  ShibRequireSession On
  Require valid-user
  ShibRequestSetting requireSessionWith DSforRemoteUser
コード ブロック
$ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd stop
$ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd start


  • /usr/local/map/app/config/database.php
    In the 'database' => '',  set the password defined at “6. Installing and Setting Up MySQL”
  • /usr/local/map/app/config/mail.php
    In the 'host' => '', set the SMTP server.
    In the $from, $this->from, set the FROM address of the email which will be send from this server.
    In the $footer_jp_map, $footer_jp_test, $footer_eng_map and $footer_eng_test, modify to the appropriate sentences as you want.
  • /usr/local/map/app/config/system.php
    In the "host" and the host of "loginlink" in $config["production"], $config["test"], set the host name of this server.
  • Registration of System Administrator
    Create a new account by accessing to the following URL.
    After selecting the IdP and then login, create a new account.

    Register the Administrator of the Database.

    コード ブロック
    $ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD
    mysql> select id,name,mail from accounts;
    Find your ID by the above command, and then and execute the following SQL to your ID.
    mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID, 1, 1, NOW(), NOW());
    mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 1, 1, NOW(), NOW());


Register SP Administrator in the DatbaseDatabase.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) 

Example1)Registration for researchmap and kyouindb
mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \
values('xxxx@kyoto-u.ac.jp', 'researchmap.jp', 'https://researchmap.jp/shibboleth-sp', NOW());

mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \
values('xxxx@kyoto-u.ac.jp', 'kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp', \
'https://kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp', NOW());

Exmaple2) Registration for test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp
mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \
values('xxxxxx@ebook-idp.nii.ac.jp', 'test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp', \
'https://test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp', NOW());

mysql> insert into sp_administrators(eppn, host_name, entityid, created) \
values(' xxxxxx@ebook-idp.nii.ac.jp', 'test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp', \
'https://test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp/shibboleth-sp', NOW());


コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD
mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\
created,modified) values('GROUP-KEY', 'SERVICE-NAME', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());

Example1)Researchmap and kyouindb
mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\
inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified) \
values('researchmap', 'Researchmap', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());

mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\
inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified \
) values('kyouindb', 'kyouindb', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());

Example2)test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp
mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\
inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified) \
values('test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp', 'test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp', '', \
0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());

mysql> insert into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\
inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified) \
values('test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp', 'test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp', '', \
0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, NOW(), NOW());


Create Register the administrator of SP Connector to Global mAP by executing the following SQLthe database.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD
mysql>insertmysql> into groups(group_key,name,introduction,active,public,openmember,\
inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created,modified) \
values('gakunin-map ', 'GakuNin-mAP', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2select id,name,mail from accounts;
mysql> select id,group_key,name from groups where sp=1;

Find your ID and Group table ID by the search com"mand above and then put it in the "YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID"and "GroupID" in the following SQL.
mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID, GroupID, 1, NOW(), NOW());

ExmapleExample) Test mAP
mysql>insertIn case of creating 3 SP Connectors
mysql> insert into groupsmygroups(groupaccount_keyid,name groupid,introduction,active,public,openmember,\
inspectjoin,inspectquit,down_permission,up_permission,group_response,sp,created, admin, created, modified) \
values('test-map ', 'Test-mAP', '', 0, 1, 12, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2NOW(), NOW());
mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 3, 1, NOW(), NOW());


Register the administrator of SP Connector to the database.

mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 4, 1, NOW(), NOW());
Connection between SP Connecor and SP.

Connect SP Connector and SP by executing the following SQL.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

Search utilizes SP Connector ID.
mysql> select id, 
コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD
mysql> select id,name,mail from accounts;
mysql> select id,group_key,name from groups where sp = 1;

FindSearch yourutilizes SP ID and Group table ID by
mysql> select id, name from sp_hosts;

Based on the search com"mand above and then put it in the "YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID"and "GroupID" in the following SQL.
mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID, GroupID, 1result, register connecting information between SP Connector and SP.
insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \

Example) In case・SP Connector ID:ID of groups table
・SP ID:ID of creating 3 SP Connectorssp_hosts table

Example1)Researchmap and kyouindb
mysql> insert into mygroupsgroup_sphosts(accountgroup_id, groupid, admin, sp_id,lead_url,created, modified,service_name) \
values(1, 2, 13, NOW(),'http://researchmap.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'Researchmap');

mysql> insert into mygroupsgroup_sphosts(accountgroup_id, groupid, admin, sp_id,lead_url,created, modified,service_name) \
values(13, 315, 1'http://kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/', NOW(), NOW());
mysql> insert into mygroups(account_id, groupid, admin, created, modified) values(1, 4, 1, NOW(), NOW());
Connection between SP Connecor and SP.

Connect SP Connector and SP by executing the following SQL.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

Search utilizes SP Connector ID.
mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1;

Search utilizes SP ID
mysql> select id, name from sp_hosts;

Based on the search result, register connecting information between SP Connector and SP.
insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \

・SP Connector ID:ID of groups table
・SP ID:ID of sp_hosts table

Example1)Researchmap and kyouindb
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \
values(2, 3, 'http://researchmap.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'Researchmap');

mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \
values(3, 15, 'http://kyouindb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'kyouindb');

Example2)test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \
values(2, 80, 'https://test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'Test-MeatMail');
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \
values(3, 175, 'https://test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'Test-mAP-SP1');


Connect SP Connector and Global mAP(SP) by executing the following commands.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

Search SP Connector ID of Global mAP
mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1 and group_key='gakunin-map';

Search SP ID of Global mAP
mysql> select id, name from sp_hosts where name='map.gakunin.nii.ac.jp';

Based on the search result, register the connecting information between SP Connector and SP.
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,created,modified,service_name) \

Example 1)GakuNin mAP
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,created,modified,service_name) \
values(4, 14, NOW(),NOW(), 'GakuNin-mAP');

Example2)Test mAP
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_id,created,modified,service_name) \
values(4, 48, NOW(),NOW(), 'Test-mAP');
Automatic Connection of SP Connector

This enables users to utilize SP (ex. Researchmap, kyouindb) by connecting SP connector automatically when the user create new group.

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

Obtain ID by searching SP Connector
mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1;

Set the found ID in the following SQL and then execute.NOW(), 'kyouindb');

Example2)test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp and test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(FOUND-ID, NOW());

mysql> insert into sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(2, NOW()id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \
values(2, 80, 'https://test-meatmail.nii.ac.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'Test-MeatMail');
mysql> insert into group_sphosts(group_id,sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(3, NOW());


id,lead_url,created,modified,service_name) \
values(3, 175, 'https://test-map-sp1.nii.ac.jp/', NOW(),NOW(), 'Test-mAP-SP1');


Automatic Connection of SP Connector

This enables users to utilize SP (ex. Researchmap, kyouindb) by connecting SP connector automatically when the user create new group.Enable to utilize it also via Global mAP

コード ブロック
$ mysql -u vouser vo -pYOUR-OWN-PASSWORD

SearchObtain ID ofby searching SP Connector of Global mAP.
mysql> select id, name from groups where sp = 1 and group_key='gakunin-map';

Set the found ID in the following SQL and then execute. and then execute.
mysql> insert into sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(FOUND-ID, NOW());

mysql> insert into sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(FOUND-ID2, NOW());

mysql> insert into sp_auto_connectors(groupid,created) values(43, NOW());


Attribute Consent Setting for SP Connector


コード ブロック
$ export TERM=vt100
$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console
$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app kyoto_u_ac_jp_import [TSV-FILE-NAME] [IdP-ENTITY-ID]

Example 1)Normal Execution
$ export TERM=vt100
$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console
$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app kyoto_u_ac_jp_import \
/var/local/map/tmp/kyoto-u.ac.jp.sample.tsv \

Example 2)Send Email after Execution
$ export TERM=vt100
$ cd /usr/local/map/cake/console
$ ./cake -app /usr/local/map/app kyoto_u_ac_jp_import \
/var/local/map/tmp/kyoto-u.ac.jp.sample.tsv \
https://authidp1.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/idp/shibboleth | mail -s "Import Result" EMAIL-ADDRESS


If you need to connect with Global mAP, it is required to incorporate this IdP metadata into the GlobalmAP.

Please send the following IdP metadata to the Global mAP administrator.





Confirm the authentication page after accessing to the following URL.


After integrating the metadata of this SP IdP into the related SPs and /or Global mAPenable SimpleAggregation AttributeResolver, you can check the connecting test.
