  • Development -How to Create CHiLO Book-



  • この行は追加されました。
  • この行は削除されました。
  • 書式設定が変更されました。


ResourceDestination to save
A. Image of the authorchiloPro/common/authorImages/
B. Image of inside coverchiloPro/name of your folder/common/images/
C. CoverchiloPro/name of your folder/vol-nx/images/ *1
D. Explanation videochiloPro/name of your folder/vol-x/videos/ *1
E. Explanation video thumbnailchiloPro/name of your folder/vol-nx/images/ *1
F. Explanation textchiloPro/name of your folder/vol-nx/text/ *1
G. Image of explanation textchiloPro/name of your folder/vol-nx/images/ *1



 vol-x : x indicates volume of CHiLO Books.




Edit Spreadsheets

Write in Entry information about the series and author, and structure information of each CHiLO Book on the the Spreadsheet.


▶ structure-books.xlsx



CHiLO Books and author on the following Spreadsheets.  

▶  chiloPro/name of your folder/structure-books.xlsx


Enter necessary fields in each sheet.



▶ author.xlsx



structure information of CHiLO Bookを入力するSpreadsheetです。

CHiLO Bookの構造とは、CHiLO Bookのシリーズ情報、シリーズを構成するCHiLO Bookの情報、そして、そのCHiLO Bookを構成するsections of TOC, README, body text, Addendum, and Copyrightの情報であり、1シリーズにつき、structure-books.xlsxを1つ作成しなければいけません。

シリーズ内のCHiLO Bookの冊数やタイトルは、[Book-list] sheet に入力します。それぞれのCHiLO Bookの内容は"vol-x" sheetに記入します。CHiLO BookのBody textセクション以外は、テンプレートファイル(chiloPro/common/templates)で定義されているフォーマットに従って自動的に作成されますが、Body textセクションの中のNumber of sections, number of pages and number of tests can be modified by entering information on the spread sheet of [vol-x] sheet.

▶ chiloPro/common/author.xlsx


"About the Author" page is to be displayed at the end-of-the-book information of CHiLO Booke.g.Image RemovedEnter information. Common in all CHiLO Books.


Modify [author] sheet name to the name of the author and enter necessary fields.



in Addendum sectionは、author.xlsxを参照して作成されます。このスプレッドシートは、chiloPro 以下のフォルダで作成される全てのCHiLO Bookから参照されます。

Match the sheet name with the one entered in "creator" of the [series-infomation] sheet of structure-books.xlsx.


4.Output CHiLO Book


CHiLO Producer can output two types of CHiLO Books: EPUB3 format EPUB3 CHiLO Book and HTML format Web CHiLO Book.


Move to folder to extract CHiLO-Producer(hierarchy one level up of chiloPro) utilizing command prompt and issue the following command.



Run the following Java command utilizing command prompt.


Once you issue a command, the former CHiLO Book will be overwritten, so save it if necessary.


When you failed to output CHiLO Book, refer to Common errors.

Output EPUB3 CHiLO Book






















OutputBase/name of your folder/epub3 にアウトプットされます。



Output Web CHiLO Book























The created CHiLO Book will be saved in



OutputBase/name of your folder/



(Web CHiLO Book) Delivering videos from your VOD server


Delivering videos from the server delivering Web CHiLO Book Copy the folder of chiloPro/"name of your folder"/vol-n/videos to OutputBase/SeriesName/html/vol-x .


When you failed to output CHiLO Book, refer to Common errors.


html にアウトプットされます。

5.Check the output CHiLO Book




Make sure that you have installed the ebook reader onto your device before checking the output EPUB3 CHiLO Book. Following are the recommended ebook readers for CHiLO Book.


アウトプットしたEPUB3 CHiLO Bookは、次のebook readerで内容を確認できます。但し、テストページとCHiLO Community、つまりSNSへのリンクは、確認できませんので、次の章で説明するdeployを行い、CHiLO Readerで確認してください。

    • For iOS,Mac OS: iBooks
    • For Android: Gitden EPUB3 Book Reader
    • For Windows,Linux: Readium


Web CHiLO Book 

You will not be able to check Web CHiLO Book in local environment in the following cases:


    • When explanation videos are videos uploaded to YouTube
    • When there is an input on fb-app-id of [series-infomation] sheet of chiloPro/SeriesName/structure-books.xlsx


In these cases, check by uploading Web CHiLO Book files to the remote server or run the web server in local environment.





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