  • Development -How to Create CHiLO Book-



  • この行は追加されました。
  • この行は削除されました。
  • 書式設定が変更されました。


CHiLO Book is output to chilo-producer-master/OutputBase/name of your folder/にアウトプットされます。

コード ブロック
run.bat -c name_of_your_folder *Windows sh 
run.sh -c name_of_your_folder *Unix-like OS 

command line option:  -t type of CHiLO BookのタイプBook



Once you issue run a command, the former CHiLO Book will be overwritten, so save it if necessary.

When If you failed to output CHiLO Book, refer to Common errors.


3. Check the output CHiLO Book


▶ EPUB3 CHiLO Book

アウトプットされたEPUB3 CHiLO Bookは、chiloThe output EPUB3 CHiLO Book can be found in chilo-producer-master/OutputBase/name of your folder/epub3にあります。epub3.

The contents of the output EPUB3 CHiLO Book may be confirmed using the following ebook reader. 

  • For Mac OS: iBooks
  • For Windows,Linux: Radium

▶ Web CHiLO Book 

アウトプットされたWeb CHiLO Bookは、chiloThe output Web CHiLO Book can be found in chilo-producer-master/OutputBase/name of your folder/htmlにあります。html

vol-x/nav.html is the contents page of the web CHiLO Book. Confirm using the Web browser.

You will not be able to check Web web CHiLO Book in local environment in the following cases:

  • When explanation videos are videos uploaded to YouTube
  • When there is an input on in fb-app-id of [series-infomationinformation] sheet of chiloPro/SeriesName/structure-books.xlsx
