はじめにCHiLO Bookを使って、標準的な学習コースを作成し、学習者に提供します。その後、学習者の学習成果を見て標準コースの再構成の実施や、別のCHiLO Book の導入など試行錯誤をしながら最適なコースを作成していきます。

分析 & デザイン -CHiLO Bookの構造-
The phase to break down the learning contents of the standard learning course to tasks or knowledge and create CHiLO Lectures.


The phase to decide the assessment method of the learning outcomes and the evaluation criteria using Moodle. Then package them along with CHiLO Lectures.

The phase to deploy CHiLO Books to learners using learning space such as Moodle and social networking sites.

The phase to evaluate the learning outcomes of the learners from the Moodle badges.


The phase to redesign CHiLO Books or deploy other CHiLO Books according to the learners' level by analyzing the learning outcome using the trial-and-error method.