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Temporary suspension of GakuNin RDM NII storage due to maintenance at SINET from 00:00 to 02:00 on Mar XX, 2022[JST]【2022/03/01 10:00, 2022/03 /14 15:00 update 】

Some GakuNin RDM services will be unstable due to maintenance at SINET.
Service restricted : 00:00 to 06:00 on Mar 15, 2022[JST]
Limited function is as follows:
Access to NII storage

Please note that this it will finish earlier or later depending on the work.
You can recover by restarting the browser or clearing the cache.

【2022/3/2 18:15】Communication failure toGakuNin RDM occurred in the following area from 12:46 to 17:23 on Mar. 2, 2022 [JST]
