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現在のバージョンとの相違点 ページ履歴を表示

バージョン 1 現在のバージョン »

(警告)このサイトは https://support.rdm.nii.ac.jp/ へ移転しました。このページは2022年7月から更新されていません。

It is only the project administrators who can delete contributors from a project or component.

By holding down ‘Contributors’ in the navigation bar at the top of a project’s main screen, it will take you to the contributor management screen.

Click the link marked “X” next to the name of the contributor you wish to delete from a project.

A modal window will appear confirming to delete the contributor or not.

If the contributor is added to a component in the project, it will also ask you to confirm whether to delete the contributor from the component or not.

Select an option on the modal window and click ‘Remove’; the contributor will be deleted from the project or component.

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