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Verifying Trusted Timestamps of a Registered File

This section explains how to verify trusted timestamps of a registered file. There are two methods to verify timestamps of a registered file: 1) by clicking the ‘verify’ button; and 2) by opening the file on the ‘Project’ screen.

Verifying by Clicking the ‘Verify’ Button

  1. By selecting the ‘Timestamp’ tab on a ‘project’ screen, the files that have timestamp errors will be displayed. Tick the files that you wish to verify timestamps, and click the ‘verify’ button.

  2. The verification of timestamps will be conducted. In case of error, please refer to ‘Adding Timestamps of a Registered File’ below.

Verifying by Opening a File

When you open the file contents confirmation screen (i.e. ‘Files’ screen), the verification of timestamps will be conducted as the screen appears.

  1. Select the ‘Files’ tab on the ‘project’ screen, and specify the file.

    The information on the specified file will be displayed.

  2. In case of error, click the ‘Request Trusted Timestamp’ button, and reconfigure timestamps.

    The timestamps will be added, and the verification status of the timestamps will be updated.

Adding Timestamps of a Registered File

This section explains how to add timestamps to a registered file.

  1. When you select the ‘Timestamp’ tab on a ‘project’ screen, the list of files will be displayed. Tick the files that you wish to add timestamps, and click the ‘Request Trusted Timestamp’ button.

  2. The timestamps will be added. When it has successfully added timestamps, the file will disappear from the screen.

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