このサイトは https://support.rdm.nii.ac.jp/ へ移転しました。
This English version is a translation of the Japanese version, and is provided for reference only.
In case of discrepancy between the Japanese and English versions, the Japanese version shall prevail and be treated as the correct version.
In this privacy policy (hereinafter called ‘the Policy’), we specify how we deal with privacy information concerning the users who participate in the validation test (from 15 April 2019) for the research data management services (hereinafter called ’GakuNin’. RDM stands for research data management), which is being constructed by the Research Center for Open Science and Data Platform, National Institute of Informatics (hereinafter called ’The Research Center’), Research Organization of Information and Systems (hereinafter called ’The Research Organization’).
Among privacy information, the term ‘personal data’ refers to ‘personal data’ as mentioned in Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and means that it is the information about a living individual who can be identified as a specific individual by name, date of birth, address, telephone number, affiliation, contact and other descriptions contained in such information.
Among privacy information, the term ‘history information and attribute information’ refers to information other than ‘personal data’ specified above, and means that it is the information about the history of the services used or pages viewed, keywords searched by a user, time and date of use, usage method, usage environment, postal code, sex, occupation, age, user’s IP address, cookie data, location data, individual identification data of a terminal.
The Research Center may ask for personal information such as name, affiliation, address, telephone number, and email address when a user registers to the services.
When a user uses the Research Center’s services or views its page, the Research Center shall collect history information and attribute information about the user such as the services and software used, history of viewed pages, search keywords searched, time and date of use, usage method, usage environment (including the communication status of the mobile computer used, and the information on various settings at the time of use), IP address, cookie data, location data, individual identification data of the terminal.
The Research Center’s purposes of collecting and using personal data are as follows:
The Research Center shall not provide personal data to third parties without the consent of the user in advance except in the cases listed below. This, however, saves to the extent that is accepted by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations.
Notwithstanding the conditions of the preceding paragraph, the cases listed below shall not be deemed to be a third party.
The Research Center shall disclose personal data to a person when it was requested by the said person. It may not, however, disclose all or part of the data in cases listed below. When it decides not to disclose data, it shall inform the person accordingly.
Notwithstanding the conditions of the preceding paragraph, the Research Center shall not disclose the information other than personal data such as history information and attribute information.
In the cases in which the personal data of a user held by the Research Center is incorrect information, the user may, according to the procedure set up by the Research Center, request the Research Center to rectify or delete the personal data.
If the Research Center deems it necessary to meet the user’s request prescribed in the preceding paragraph upon receipt of the user’s request, it shall rectify or delete the said personal data without delay, and inform the user accordingly.
If a person requests the Research Center to suspend or delete personal data (hereinafter called ‘suspension of use, etc.’) for the reasons that it is used beyond the scope of its purposes of use or that it is obtained by an unjust means, the Research Center shall conduct necessary investigation without delay and, based on its results, carry out the suspension of use, etc., and inform the person accordingly. The Research Center shall, however, take an alternative means, if it incurs a considerable expense to carry out the suspension of use, etc. of the personal data and it is difficult to carry out the suspension of use, etc., and besides it is possible to take an alternative means in order to protect the rights and interests of the person.
The contents of the Policy can be changed without informing the users. Except as otherwise provided, the privacy policy after the change shall take effect at the time it is posted on this website.
For inquiries regarding the Policy, please contact us as follows:
Address: 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 101-8430
Institutional Name: The National Institute of Informatics (NII), Research Organization of Information and Systems, Inter-University Research Institute Corporation
Department in Charge: Research Center for Open Science and Data Platform (RCOS)
Email address: rcos-office (at) nii.ac.jp