このサイトは https://support.rdm.nii.ac.jp/ へ移転しました。

ページ ツリー

(警告)このサイトは https://support.rdm.nii.ac.jp/ へ移転しました。このページは2022年7月から更新されていません。


※This site was no longer updated as of July 5, 2022. It will be closed in the future.
※Please visit the new site thereafter.

GakuNin RDM is a " research data management service" for managing and sharing research data,

which forms a part of a research data platform called the NII Research Data Cloud (NII RDC)(*), provided by NII.

(*) NII Research Data Cloud (NII RDC):
The NII Research Data Cloud serves as an e-infrastructure where research data and other related files can be managed, stored, and discovered.
It consists of three unique platforms: a research data management platform (GakuNin RDM), a repository platform (WEKO3), and a discovery platform (CiNii Research).
See https://rcos.nii.ac.jp/en/service/ for details.

Latest News

Timestamp services will be restricted from 21:00 to 21:30 on July 24, 2022[JST] 【2022/6/22 10:15】

GakuNin RDM timestamp services will be restricted from 21:00 to 21:30 on July 24, 2022[JST] about 30 seconds due to maintenance of the timestamp service.
During the communication breakdown, timestamp generation may fail.
If timestamp generation or verification fails, please try again to generate or verify the timestamp.


Application form

Community Support by JPCOAR and NII (in Japanese)

Manual for Application (in Japanese)

国立情報学研究所研究データ基盤サービス利用規程 (Terms of Use in Japanese)

国立情報学研究所研究データ基盤サービス利用細則 (Detailed rules in Japanese)

Login to GakuNin RDM:https://rdm.nii.ac.jp/



※Please change @ (full-width)→ @ (half-width)

Research Data Cloud Team, Scholarly and Academic Information Division
Cyber Science Infrastructure Development Department
National Institute of Informatics


This page was created with the aim to support the users of GakuNin RDM.
We will add the contents in the near future.

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